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Club Med Joyview安吉度假村任命George Edward先生担任度假村总经理
发布日期:2020年06月24日  来源:Club Med Joyview安吉度假村

来自斯里兰卡的George Edward先生拥有超过18年丰富的酒店工作和管理经验,曾负责斯里兰卡、马尔代夫、迪拜、卡塔尔多哈和中国市场。

近日,Club Med Joyview安吉度假村任命George Edward (关飞)先生担任度假村总经理,George Edward(关飞)先生将完全负责度假村的运营和管理工作。

Recently, the Club Med Joyview Anji Resort has appointed George Edward (关飞)  as the General  Manager  of the Resort . Mr. George Edward (关飞) will be fully responsible for the operation and management of the resort.

来自斯里兰卡的George Edward先生拥有超过18年丰富的酒店工作和管理经验,曾负责斯里兰卡、马尔代夫、迪拜、卡塔尔多哈和中国市场。在过去八年里,他在中国多个五星级奢华酒店担任管理职位包括瑞吉、安纳塔拉以及莫干山裸心堡等品牌。此次履新前,George Edward先生在浙江湖州工作了3年,对于浙江市场的充分了解对此次新任职位将是一个积极有效的帮助。

Mr. George Edward from Sri Lanka has more than 18 years of rich experience in hotel work and management in 5 destinations including Sri Lanka , Maldives, Dubai , Doha Qatar and China . He has held management positions in several famous five-star luxury hotels in China over the past 8 years including , St. Regis , Anantara  and Naked Retreats in Moganshan, Zhejiang . He worked in Zhejiang Huzhou for last 3 years and he has wide knowledge of Zhejiang market, which will be a positive experience for the current newly appointed position .

凭借敏锐的市场洞察力,丰富的酒店运营和提高客人满意度的经验以及出色的领导力,George Edward先生成功带领酒店团队创造过诸多优秀业绩,并且对酒店市场定位和战略规划有着深入的思考和理解。相信在他的领导下,Club Med Joyview安吉度假村会再创佳绩,为客人创造全方位的非凡体验,让Club Med Joyview安吉度假村成为当地最好的度假胜地。

With keen market insight, with strong knowledge of hotel operation, guest satisfaction and with excellent leadership, Mr. George Edward has successfully led the Resort team to create many outstanding achievements, and has in-depth thinking and understanding of the hotel's market positioning and strategic planning. We believe that under his leadership, the Club Med Joyview Anji Resort will make another success and create a full range of experience for Club Med guests to make Club Med Joyview Anji Resort the best address in Anji.

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