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香港半岛酒店与Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝携手呈献大自然主题下午茶
发布日期:2017年09月15日  来源:香港半岛酒店

香港半岛酒店大堂茶座特别与Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝由8月14日至9月30日携手呈献以大自然为灵感的下午茶,各色茶点尽显优雅气派,精致造型堪与名贵珠宝媲美。

香港半岛酒店大堂茶座的下午茶向来是本地最为人向往的饮食文化象征之一;适逢法国高级珠宝世家Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝位于半岛购物商场的精品店完成扩展计划,大堂茶座特别与Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝由8月14日至9月30日携手呈献以大自然为灵感的下午茶,各色茶点尽显优雅气派,精致造型堪与名贵珠宝媲美。

Afternoon Tea in The Peninsula’s iconic Lobby has been one of Hong Kong’s most cherished traditions for generations, and the city’s Grande Dame is adding a new twist to the experience this summer through a collaboration with prestigious French High Jewelry Maison, Van Cleef & Arpels. Available from 14 August to 30 September 2017, this specially created afternoon tea menu draws inspirations from the benevolent nature, a theme cherished by Van Cleef & Arpels, serving up a range of tempting treats that are almost as exquisite as the enchanting jewelry pieces they pay tribute to.

半岛购物商场的Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝精品店最近完成扩建翻新工程,店内设计以装饰艺术风格为灵感,掀开半岛酒店与Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝42年合作关系的新一章:是1975年世家在香港半岛酒店首次于香港面世至今的重要里程碑。

This co-presented Afternoon Tea is in celebration of the Van Cleef & Arpels boutique that has recently expanded at The Peninsula Arcade. The newly renovated store, which takes its design inspiration from the style of Art Deco, is the latest chapter in a storied 42-year-long relationship stretches back to Van Cleef & Arpels’ debut at The Peninsula Hong Kong in 1975.

半岛酒店去年夏季首次推出与品牌合作的下午茶获一致好评,今年酒店精英厨师团队从 Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝钟爱的花卉设计主题取材,巧制一系列美点,配合半岛精选名茶,为客人带来视觉与味觉的惊喜。

Following on from the success of last summer’s inaugural Afternoon Tea collaboration, 2017 sees The Peninsula’s acclaimed chef’s team interpreting Van Cleef & Arpels’ signature floral motifs into an array of delectable refreshments for guests to enjoy with the hotel’s acclaimed fine teas.

大堂茶座的三层银器点心架是下午茶的精髓,最夺目的美点置于顶层,今次的主题下午茶亦同出一辙:精美时令水果甜点如柠檬罗勒挞、黄杏马卡龙、朱古力挞配牛奶朱古力忌廉及香芒热情果泡芙,以Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝珠宝系列的三片立体心形花瓣造型点缀,反映世家以大自然为灵感的精彩创意。

As ever, the most alluring elements of the Afternoon Tea set are the fancies that can be found on the top tier of the classic silver serving platter. Mirroring the hues and shapes of the Maison’s creativity for nature using seasonal fruits, they include a lemon and basil tart, an apricot macaron, a chocolate tart with milk chocolate chantilly, and a mango and passionfruit choux that subtly references the three-dimensional heart-shaped petals of the collection.

鲜美咸点如法式吞拿鱼沙律及法式火腿芝士三文治,含蓄彰显Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝作为法国高级珠宝翘楚的显赫地位;烟鲑鱼配甘笋面包及柠檬水芹的丰富色彩勾勒几分大自然韵致;香草青瓜配白面包及新鲜出炉英式烘提子松饼配有机草莓果酱及奶油忌廉,向来是深受欢迎的半岛下午茶两大台柱!

Referencing the origins of the Maison and adding a touch of French élan to the selection of savoury items are the Niçoise salad and croque monsieur, while the smoked salmon roll pays homage to nature with an extra dash of colour courtesy of the carrot bread and lemon cress. The set is completed by two perennial favourites: dill-marinated cucumber with white bread and The Peninsula’s signature freshly-baked scones served with organic strawberry jam and indulgent Clotted cream.

每台客人将有机会获赠一本以Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝Frivole™系列盛放花朵为题的精美笔记本留念;笔记本数量有限,送完即止。

As a memento of this unique Afternoon Tea experience, each table will also get a chance to receive a notebook (while stocks last) inspired by Van Cleef & Arpels’ iconic Frivole jewelry collection, evoked by enchanting blooms.

大堂茶座由8月14日至9月30日下午2:00至下午6:00供应以大自然为主题下午茶,每位 388港元, 每两位 688港元 (另加10%服务费),另加220港元可配半岛香槟一杯。大堂弦乐队逢星期二至星期日中午12:00至下午6:30现场演奏古典音乐,半岛爵士乐队逢星期一至星期四晚上7:00至11:45、星期五及星期六晚上7:00至凌晨12:45现场演奏爵士乐曲。

The Afternoon Tea set is priced at HK$ 388 for one person or HK$ 688 for two (plus 10% service charge) and will be served daily from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm between 14 August and 30 September 2017. A glass of Champagne can be included at a supplementary charge of HK$ 220. The Lobby Strings band provides the perfect accompaniment, playing classical music from noon to 6:30 pm every day (except Mondays), followed by The Peninsula Jazz Band every evening (except Sundays) from 7:00 pm to 11:45 pm (7:00 pm to 12:45 am on Friday and Saturdays).

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